Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pokok Sena, my kampung!

There will be another 14 month for me to go back for good, home at last. The number now serve as my motivation to go through the daily life here alone.

Beside the people that I missed so much while in Japan, it is my kampung or village that I can saw through my dreams. At time, I can imagined the traffic lights, the Pekan Sabtu or Nat, the small stalls selling nasi lemak daun pisang, the wet market and the smell. The small kampung now has become a small town of it's own.

Missing the small things that I always took for granted made me sad. Living in the land of our own is the best. We can demand the birth right. And this make me realize the agony of non-bumiputra who are born in Malaysia but seems to be denied the right to make the land feel like their own.

Ah! I love my kampung so much. The river, fishing, bamboo and Jabbar. As you are now at kampung, will you prepare a fishing rod for me for our next venture? (^_^)


Anonymous said...

14 months only? wahh.. bestnye nanti boleh balik kampung dah... pastu pegi kelantan, jgn lupe nasik ulam yer che na :)

naba the mutant said...

semestinya ijan...nasi ulam, nasi kerabu, nasi berlauk....dll....gemoks la saya lps ni(^_^)...hahaha....hepi nye!

ila said...

hahhahah.... xlama lg dah tuh...selamat berjuang la no..[sy dh start rasa takut!]

naba the mutant said...

ila jgn takot, mmg rasa lama dok sini. embrace everything that come ur way...

k na pon takut gak dulu...hahaha!