Friday, July 3, 2009

The LC3

The LC3 protein that I am curiously looking for and obsessively thinking about day and night is nothing to do with anyone life. Basically, it does exist in every cell of all living organisms; be it human, animals or plants. We never care for it though it plays a big role in maintaining our cells system though the autophagy. Yeah, it’s only one of million proteins anyway. Nonetheless, I care. This is because this protein is a must for me to find for my final conclusion for the so called article that to be published. In any story, we need an ending. LC3 is the ending of my PhD story. It is supposed to be.

Last night was the last of me pretending that a miracle would happen. It did not. My previous data from western blot stayed only in the past. I can't repeat the same pattern with this new antibody of LC3. My heart had broken into thousand pieces again. However, instead of feeling sad I felt strangely calm. I went to see my Professor and confessed. He, probably 50% drunk because of the wine just said that's fine. We will meet and discuss again about the whole ideas of the autophagy process this coming Sunday or Monday.

It is weird to think that how a few dots on a film could make one so helpless.


Anonymous said...

Cian Che Na.. tak jadi lagi ek western blot tue? jgn putus asa... maybe ada solution lain :)

naba the mutant said...

Blotting tu jd cuma hasil dia tak menarik utk buat conclusion...ntah naper jd mcm tu taktau plak....:)