Thursday, July 2, 2009

Morning with miso soup!

In one of my post previously, I did mentioned that I love miso soup or know as miso siro in Japanese. Based of this soup is fermented soy beans and flakes of dry bonito fish (or Pantai Timur people knew it as ikan aya). Those are the main ingredients. The soup tasted quite salty and a little foreign for Malay taste bud. I can't even finished my first bowl of miso soup.

As the soup is a must for rice set, reluctantly at first, but I tried my best to had it whenever my Professor treated us for meals. Eventually, I came to love it, till now. However, to prepare it will take some time. And I don't know the correct ingredients, though I have the recipes book. Thus, to satisfy my love for it, I go the short-cut way. Get the instant miso soup. Be careful as some of the dashi (the fermented soy beans) contain sake (alcohol). Always read the ingredients!

I have found one that really fully instant and tasted just fine.

My breakfast.

Place it in a bowl.

Pour hot water.



Anonymous said...

Kat sini ada gak miso sup dalam tak pernah terai pulak... hmm...sedap ek che na? :D

naba the mutant said...

rasa pelik masa mula2 tp lama2 bila makan rasa fresh. boleh tambah seafood, mcm kupang saiz kecik atau tauhu jepun. atau ketam....enak!;)