Thursday, December 6, 2007

My dear Esah

I wanted to dedicated this post to her, my dear friend. She brought inspirations to my life. She look up life like no other people had shown it to me. she do not let me see the world through her lenses but mine. She is my inspiration (^-^)!!!

She's not brought up as a spoon fed girl though she's supposed to earn that, easily. Her childhood is not a fairy tale. She lost her dad in a very early age, when she was 3 years old. Not just that, at 4, Esah learned that she has to walked on this earth with the help of two sticks. Nevertheless, it never made her less. Thanks to her mom who is the real pillar of her life, the fate has just make her more.

In her early life, I never know her. I guessed it must be difficult. She used to travel by bus to the school. Yes, her mother needs to make a living and cannot afford to send and pick her up . I believed that she wanted to built Esah self confident by being tough on her. It did.
Esah enjoys her school days life with lots of friends and a group of "bestest" friends. Her gangs will always be there for her no matter what. She studied in the best school of her hometown which was quite far from her house. She pulled herself through the academia's life and now is a PhD holder, from the best university in London. This is all because Esah believe that she is not second compared to other kids. She did that by being herself and stand for herself. At 32 years old, she proved it. Congratulations!!!

I really love her (*-*)....thanks Esah for being a part of mylife!!!

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