Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lesson from KungFu movie

Probably by now the rumours had travelled around the campus. "C'na want to quit her PhD." I sometimes got some messages from friends and colleagues asking how I am doing. Some of them thought that I am already back to Malaysia for good.

Guys, I am staying. Please pray for me that I will be able to finish my study. I know that I have to overcome myself. I need to be student once again. To be humble. Forget the passion and learn like a new kid.

I still recalled one old Cantonese KungFu movie of 70s. When this very Hero wanted to revenge against his enemy, he tried to seek new KungFu Master with new techniques of attacking the opponent. There were various style of KungFu and Drunken Master was my favourite. So one of the request of this KungFu Master was for the Hero to relinquish all of his previous techniques. The Hero did just that and learn again from the beginning and became powerful. To cut the story short, he succeeded in his quest.

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