Monday, June 15, 2009

Another sad news in the morning

As I mentioned in previous post, I don't like to receive messages or phone call either late at night or early in the morning from my family back home. It is normal if my mother wants to talk to me but she will usually let my brother send me SMS around 8pm to 10pm. If I were to receive the message early morning around 7, then I should be on my toes. She has some news and it is always not a good news.

Today, I was told that my mother's aunt, whose house in just behind our house in the village had passed away early this morning around 1am. She was 70s plus and was admitted into the hospital in Kuala Nerang a few days back for chest pain. And yesterday, my brother and his family visited her and she seems to be in a good condition, talking and laughing and just waiting to be discharged. God has another plan and she got heart attacked shortly after my brother reached home.

She was a good person with a sensitive heart. Had always wanted the best for her family. She's the one who took care of my mother after my father and my grandmother passed away. The main pillar of my brother's wedding that took place early this year was her. I will miss her always . (~_~)