Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Point of view

Somehow, we live with a life that is totally ours but actually, it is not ours. As a part of modern living society, we tend to focus on the individuality till we forget that we’re living amongst human being. Living alone for too long could be one of the factors submitting to the ideas that we serve no one and our life is ours. Definitely, we are wrong.

First and foremost, we’re answerable to God, because He is our Maker. He makes us and we shall always remember that at the end of the day, there is one day that we have to answer Him for all our deeds, be it good or bad.

Why this entry is so serious? This is all because of my thinking and reading of online websites on situations of Malaysia and also reflections of my life for the past 30 years.

I am no saint. I have my fair shares of sins. However, at this point of life, things people point out like the need to look at our religion from different aspects really scares me. We do live by Koran and Hadith. The idea of looking and explaining it in a new perspective anyhow scared me because I am a person with limited knowledge of my own religion. If the perspective really the real teaching of Islam, then it is for the better. But, if it is done for a group of people who has intention to take advantages of Malaysian Muslims then we’re in a big trouble. This is because most Muslims in Malaysia are like me. We have knowledge of Islam that able us to carry our duty as a Muslims but that is it. If anyone with a better knowledge of hadith and Koran and able to cite one or two of it, we are impressed. And then we will take words that falling from their mouth just like that. Overall, there are groups of people started to campaign that we shall take a look at Islam in a new way. It is means that all the teachings before this is wrong?

There is also another group who claimed to be Muslims but has 180degrees view from a normal teachings of Islam. I don’t want to indulge more into it as this is really worried me.

Islam for me is a teaching of how to live a good life. It proposed a peaceful life. It brings us back to the idea of having one God and we shall be good in life because at the end, it is Him we’re going to meet. At that moment, money, power, wives, husbands, children, cars, houses etc. will serve no meaning to us. We come without a cloth from a womb and will go back with a single white cloth, nothing more or less. All the materials that we collected in this world will only good as long as we’re alive, not thereafter.

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