Friday, June 12, 2009

Stare till blood flow through

Ambitious to finish the protein extraction procedures, I went home early morning today, after 12 am. Slept through the night (or morning?) and waking up feeling a little bit tired. As I intended not to do anything heavy (doing lab work is heavy...sigh!), so I just pushed myself to do some clean up in the animal rooms this morning. Then, to just continue writing the scientific article that need to be published for my graduation.

Most people think that writing is as easy as typing. Well, most of them is wrong. Writing might come easy with people who have the talent and words will flowing out from their mind like streaming water of a river. Unfortunately for me, it is not the case.

Writing is the art of telling the story. Thus, some suspends should be somewhere in the story to attract the readers. There must be some low and high tones, just like the music. It is an ART after all. So does the scientific writing. We wanted the audience to understand the writing and in doing so adding up some new information to the scientific knowledge.

How to do the writing? Me, I will sometimes spend times just staring at the computer's monitor. Yes, hoping that by doing so some sentences will form themselves in my mind and then I can start writing right away. Well, in serious note it was far from that. I have spent some time staring the monitor and end up writing the blog instead. What a day?!


Anonymous said...

That happens to me quite frequently as well...i started planning to write something for reserch and ending up staring at some food blogs..kuikuikui

naba the mutant said...

a'a la ijan. last2 saya tak buat2 apa2...baca berita dlm internet. semua psl mesia saya tau sampai ke gosip artis....hehehe!

nureiman said...

hahahaa. nice one c'na..!hmm.. beselaa.. kadang2 tu memang mengelat jugak.. hehe

naba the mutant said...

bukan ngelat sekala2 ni sha...almost all the time....hahaha!