Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day of baking...

Instead of doing laboratory works, I spent whole day yesterday baking cakes and cleaning the apartment. Hard work it is but it was a good therapy for me, indeed. Actually, at the moment I still can't get over the LC3 problems as the final result was not supporting my hypothesis. I was quiet depressed in that sense and yet to tell my Professor. Only Hasegawa sensei shared my feeling because he was with me dealing with this analysis. Oh! How worry can one be when good sleep started to escape me?

Anyway, I will try to put that aside. Today, Shima is organizing birthday party for her little daughter, Humairah. And helping her with the cakes was my intention. I wish that the weather will remain clear through out the day. And we will enjoy the rest of the day having ayam percik that she and Am prepared.


ila said...

kek pisang ka yg bwh tuh..?..wuishh ni dh dasat ni...baguih jugak dok jauh2 ni kan..bleh mengasah bakat memasak..kalo x msti xdan nk wat benda2 gni..kalo kt msia, kompem nk p secret recipe ja..=]

Anonymous said...

Banyaknye che na buat kek.. gebus gebus je semua... yg pink tue kek stroberi ke?

naba the mutant said...

Ila - kek bawah tu kek pisang. first time jd betui2, sblm tu ada yg bantat....hahaha! mmg dok sini tetiba rajin sbb teringin nak mkn. selak2 internet, try2 yg mana berkenan.:)

ijan - yg pink tu bukan kek pun, baulu rose. resepi dlm myresepi tu....menjadi plak...gembira!

ila said...

wahahahha..k.ijan n kna ni betoi2 berlumba utk jadik chef ni...tabik spring la kt korg ni...sibuk2 bergelumang ngn lab work pon, dan lagi layan selera!

naba the mutant said...

sebenarnya kami dua2 ni plan nak bukak cafe depan usm nnti...kot2 sapa2 students kami yg nak wat part-time....iya tak ijan?.....hahaha!

ila said...

wuhuhuuhu cita2 sungguh mantap gitu..ala2 nk bantu students carik duit poket la ni...huhuhu murni sungguh impian itu...ruginya sy dpt nk join..

naba the mutant said...

ila mai study dulu, bila blik nnti kita bukak plak depan ippt....cemana? ;)