Friday, June 19, 2009

Congratulation Mak Tam!

In the midst of misery after missing one of our close relative just early this week, God decided that He would throw in a happy moment for us. On the day when my mother’s aunt passed away, the evening was actually schedule for my aunt’s bertunang ceremony. And the ceremony was postponed to yesterday.

I had made an early call to my mother this morning. The small ceremony was successfully organized. Almost 50 close family members turn up, even after the ceremony was over. I can imagine the happy and merry moment with everyone took turn to tease the bride. And she did not answer them all but blushed and smile, as she always does.

My Mak Tam, as the bride is affectionately known, is a person adored by everybody in our family because she is a very nice person. She is in her early 40 and lives alone after my grandmother passed away. Everybody is worried of that fact and having own no income of her own mount up the worry. At least, she will be taken cared and will have somebody to share her live with.

The akad nikah ceremony is planned before Ramadhan. My mother and I had already started to discuss about the wedding, which will take place after Hari Raya. Happy we are with the fact that there will be another wedding at our house this year, beside my brother’s wedding early this year. The whole family is looking forward for it though I have to give a miss. But off course my prayer will always be with them


ila said...

wohohoho ni mmg berita gembira nih..tahniah mak tam! (agak2nya mk tm baca tak blog ni?)heheh....pasal persiapan tu mesti xdak hal punya..dia kan dh biasa manage kenduri org..huhuh

naba the mutant said...

hahaha!....ila jgn buat2 bizi plak aritu, kena blik la tolong maktam tu. sian kat dia, bertunang ni pun dia yg masak beehon, takkan kawen pun dia kena uruskan sndiri....;)

ila said...

ooppss..dh kena sound awai2 lagi nmpknya..huhu =O