Monday, December 1, 2008


Laksa is one of my 100 favourites food. Especially Laksa Utara. It is a food that consist of rice noodle with fish soup and eaten with salad. Preparing the soup is easy but we need some special herbs that can be find in Southeast Asian. The two that is most important is bunga kantan or siantan (Torch Ginger Bud or in Latin, Etlingera elatior) and daun kesum (viatnamese coriender or Polygonum hydropiper in Latin). Abg Saru brought it from Malaysia, and thanks to K Ann and Ina for supplying it to him.

Yesterday, I made it and invited a few friends to my house. Kasai san, the organizer of Mikan gari (picking orange activities) was specially invited as he mentioned that he love to eat. The other guests were Mamik and family, Dewi and family and the singles, Azian, Mirza and Mira. Shima and family came after all the other guests had gone home. Tokunaga sensei who is supposed to come couldn't make it.

Actually, the party was for my birthday but I guessed they already forgot about my birthday as it was two weeks ago and I haven't mentioned a single soul about it. Hahaha! Anyhow, I enjoy having the all the guests yesterday and wish that they were also happy coming to my house.

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