Thursday, December 11, 2008

Huh! Learn kanji in 2 days?

Other people might say that I am cool having living here without knowing a single word of Japanese language and not able to read kanji. No, I am not cool. In reverse, I never feel safe if I'm outside the house or if not in the laboratory. The only two places that I feel I belong to. The other places, hard to say.

Alright, probably now I can understand a little whenever people speak to me. It is like in one long sentence, I can recognized 2 or 3 words and based on that I try to make up the meaning. Sometimes I'll ask another questions to make sure that I get it right. It is not easy as when we pop up a question, the answer could make us more confuse.

It's not that I am lazy to study Japanese. It was that "language" is not to be studied. For some people, it's like eating nuts. For me, it's like hiking the mountain, Himalaya maybe. I took 30 years to be confident to be able to converse in English. So, when I was sent here and expected to understand this language overnight, it's really frustrated. Yes, some people really made me sad as they do not understand my conditions. I was without any knowledge of Japanese language and Japan prior to me coming here. Even the words kanji reminds me of a rice soup. So, when you're in battling over the culture, the never understand types of Professor, the never finished laboratory works, missing a soulmate, missing friends, and yet people expect me to learn Japanese language in one go. What I am? A robot? Malaysians students who are send here with 2 years experiences of learning Japanese language, kanji writing and some culture should feel gratitude to the programme. You're learning something that I can only wish I had.

But, as I am expected to be strong, wise and cool, so I am trying to be one. I'll get myself over the language barrier before I go home for good. Am I? Huh! 8-/

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