Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I have a dream!

I have been doing nothing that can really be called 'important' lately.

The reason, as usual, I am in the middle of a battle of me against Me. We have been doing a lot of reasoning, the focus was on the future. It started somewhere early this month, 'pop', there was an idea of straightening my life in term of financial and official affairs.

To say the least, I never indulge myself thinking about my next life plan. It was always life on the run for a short term projection and long term; the blueprint of everything was up there in the box of my brain. Rarely in my life any plan was jotted down on a piece of paper.

But as one can always do something for the better of oneself because as I realized, the life agendas are getting bigger by day but the number of my age keep increasing. Thus, I am intending to be one who plan. I hope to minimize the war of my mind by putting any plan in written somewhere so that it can be obtainable in the anticipated time frame. Thinking a lot sometimes take a lot of time to get something done.

It is sort of having an aim, design the way to achieve, follow the scheme but if it does not happen as expected, I will re-engineer the process in a short notice. I call it a flexible outline. The final point is to get all my many dreams to become realties while I still alive or if not, someone can take care of it. But I do not plan to be so hard on myself because life is always unexpected, and by the way, what is life if one cannot enjoy it.

And for a start, I got my self a planner last week. What a way to excuse myself of going out for shopping? *wink* Thanks Mirza!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Source of inspiration

Book is regard highly in my family but in the early days, to buy a book was not a norm. One factor was the price which would be easily outdone by newspapers.

Living in the family of lower class income, I understood the situation then. Having enough meals on the table everyday was far more important than purchasing a book. Sensibly, sleeping with empty stomach was worst than to not have a single book in the house. Indeed, because children need enough nutrients for the growth of the brain. Adding to the fact that source of knowledge is not only limited to the books, to opt out the importance of book and treated it as a luxury was the appropriate choice then. Hence, my childhood’s reading materials were filled with newspapers and text books of my aunties who were living next door and in their secondary schooling.

Since studying science was considered high class and of course, costly during those times, I was left with no choice to fulfill my free times but to read history text books, Malay literatures (such as Hikayat Malim Demang) and something on economics. And yes, that was because my Aunties, both were art’s students studying history and economics and it was expected to find those books in their houses. At that time, I was around 8 years old.

Being exposed too young to histories of Malaysia and world, it becomes one of my subjects of interest. Not because it is natural for me but because I always yearned for a story. It was easy to remember histories by taking it that way.

The first official history class that I took was when I was in Sultanah Asma Secondary School. I still can recall vividly my history teacher who was also a tennis coacher. During those classes, he would stand by the window with a book on his right hand and the other hand was in his trousers pocket. As far as I can remember, he never look at to the book. I guess the book was there just to make him felt more comfortable. Standing, him slightly facing the window made him look handsome under the morning silhouette. He rarely made eyes contact with the students (all girls). Nevertheless, his cool and calm personality brought out a distinguished gentleman persona around him. We respected him very much. I never witnessed him raised his voice or heard, but once, any story of him coming out of character, and that story still very absurd to me to this very minute.

He used to read (or more correctly, to profess because words just flow out of his mouth) us the history lesson in the class (there was no usual teaching process) and we then obediently wrote every sentence down on our notes book. Though the processes of listening and writing surely had bored some of us to death and made few slept through, but I was not complaining then, or now. It was all good for my SRP examination because he simplified the story and made it easier for us or to me in particularly to understand, remembers and then scored the examination. Yes, I am talking about study to pass examination. Certainly, among the best things about being in the best school was that I can gained access to the best teacher who knew the best about which questions would usually coming out for the national exam. I had straight A’s as a result.

Many people have been preaching about Malaysian schooling. Obviously, there are many good points of studying; real study, not just to pass an examination. I agree of that to the core. However, if we look at ‘knowledge’ carefully, it is not the matter of how the teachers teach but how the students churned the information. Teacher is not there to teach people to think or behave, parents are responsible for that. Teacher is just a guide, a source of inspiration. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

I believe that there is a thin line of Malaysian education on study to pass examination and study for the sake of studying. Do you think that all the mat rempits will love to study if they need not sit for examination?

Here in Japan, we have several creams of the crop of Malaysian students who were sent here with a scholarship and yet still not being able to bring themselves to study. Can we then blame the Japan teaching system? This system had successfully brought out millions of scholars and some of them are Noble awards receivers.

My point is that we should not treat any social problem in Malaysia just by simply looking from a single point of view.

All the successes that I had were not mine alone because they belong to my parents, ancestors, extended families, friends and the last but not the least, my teachers. The image of flying Mathematics notes book across the room going through the door of my primary school class still touched me dearly until today. Nevertheless, my late teacher, Cikgu Habsah was still my first source of inspiration.

There was a case where I was slapped on the back of my body by my English teacher for not being able to spell ‘chocolate’ but it was a shame for me, so that I cannot bring myself to tell my parents about the whole incident. It popped out of my mouth several years back while we were talking about my teacher who happened to be blood related. But no, I was indebted to them forever, no looking back in anger for me.

If only all quarters can take more responsibilities on coaching the young ones and stop the blaming game, I can see a brighter future. I am included. If not, our country is becoming old before it becomes adult because most of the young men will die in the freak motorcycle accidents.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Prof

He was out of the lab and the country for more than half of the time starting from the end of last month. I was like, 'Wow!' but my short holidays in the lab is coming to an end. Tomorrow onward, he will be around, pacing in and out of this room. I am looking forward for September next year to get out of this misery (and get myself into another misery? hehe!). Wait! Next year is just 9 more days to go! Horray! So, it is going to be another 9 months. Can't wait!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Of foot pain and snowboarding

The International Student Office of Tokushima University plans one day ski trip to Tottori next month.

I was looking forward to tag along. Then, something happened to my right foot. The same symptom of foot pain reoccurred. Previously, it had gone away for almost 6 months after I took few steps as suggested in one of the website including changed the exhausted sport shoes and did a special feet exercise every morning. Last weekend the pain which was known as Plantar Fasciitis came back haunting me. Probably due to long hours standing in the lab or the coldness had caused stiffness to the muscles. The later reason was intended as a joke. Sigh!

If you know that it requires strong leg muscles to stand on the two feet for snowboarding then you will realize that having foot pain is a warning sign of better not to go.

Thus, I decided to give the trip a pass though I had been thinking about going for sometime. Yeah, last year snowboard trip to Nagano probably the last one.

If only the pain go away soon…

We never know what future bring us but usually one has to be content with what life has to offer.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Natural born reader

I am no legend but there was a story told by my mother emphasizing the fact that I am a natural born reader. It all happened when I was a toddler, aged around 1 year old.

During that fateful morning, I was left on my own, somewhere on the floor nearby the brother-in-law of my great grandfather who was to look after me. He was sitting on the floor reading newspapers, by putting the newspaper on the floor.

The Malay houses during the 70s were made of wood, and rarely had couch to sit on to. Thus, normally everyone would sat on the wooden floor covered with a tikar.

As he was so into the reading, out of blue I was said to crawl slowly on to the newspapers. And instead of crumpled the newspapers, as any toddler would do, I look at the words written on the paper as if I was reading. At the end, he took me unto his lap and we read the newpapers together. He was so taken aback with the whole thing and mentioned this to my mother later.

So, you can see now how reading is part of me. Sigh! I will read everything as long as there are sentences written across the paper, which is well-known amongst my family and closest extended family, and my friends. Sometimes to the extend that it annoyed them.

Oppss! Forgot to mention that playing was also one of my hobbies but being the only rose amongst the thorns in the village, I was strongly advice not to crawl too far from home.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A perfume's tale of a single woman

Last month, somewhere along the Kawaramachi Street of Kyoto; Ila, Sue, Dr B and I stop to smell the perfumes at one of the shops. There were two perfume shops that I had made frequent visit whenever I went to Kyoto city because of numbers of branded perfumes that can be found there plus the prices were reasonable. Some of the international brands perfumes were on-sale that day. Most likely that due to koyou season (visiting/ experiencing the changes of leaves colours), the owners expected many visitors and thus decided to cut-down prices of some of the perfumes. A good business strategy I would say.

The reason I was there was to buy a perfume for my mother. When I went home last spring, I got her one but she said the scent doesn’t last long. Since she rarely asked me for anything and partly because her birthday was around the corner, I wanted to shop for a perfume with a special fragrance just for her. After going through sniffing more than two dozens perfume, I got her a Lancôme, a Miracle for her. And the verdict, she just loves it!

While browsing and inhaling dozens of fragrances, I said something to Dr B, who was at that time proposing me a few nice fragrances of the perfumes. Her answer triggered me to think and later to write this post.

It was when we were trying a man’s perfume, I said something like ‘Man’s body odor smell strongly that make them in-need of strong smell of perfume.’ Lelaki busuk, kena bau perfume yang kuat sikit.

Her reply was, ‘You’re not married yet?’ Che na tak kawin lagi?

Her response made me think of man and me. How on earth did she relate me, my statement and marriage? It was a time for self reflection.

I never think too highly of men but I do not think badly about them either. I respected men with knowledge but I do think most men odor is stink.

Am I so reclusive of man because I am all against them and at the end left me unmarried?

There were and are many men in my life. I have two brothers, the only siblings that I have. I have too many men in life, so to speak, which included countless numbers of uncles and cousins. Oh! Those are persons that I can’t get married to.

For marriage prospects, I had met a few good men.

But I think marriage is just not on my card of destiny as yet. We do believe in faith, don’t we?

Being singles never bothers me unless someone come up to me and keeps pestering me about my marriage or her marriage. I am just not into it, yet. Furthermore, I do not want to spend my time whining about being single. I have many things to do while I am single! One of them, find my own happiness. I do not think it is wise to put all the happiness in a basket of marriage. We shall be happy by ourselves or with others. In short, if we choose to be happy, we are happy regardless the life that we are in. Read Elizabeth "Liz" Murray life story for instance. She is one of the people who are an excellent example of making choices in life.

I am afraid of marriage. Yes, of course. Why? I can see divorces take place everyday and the reason behind it does not help either. Yes, especially if you read the Malaysian newspapers and some assemblymen in Terengganu added the scarier notion of it.

What the heck with marriages in Terengganu? Body odor? Pyjamas? Those two have become common factors behind the divorces in the state of Terengganu. Dear God, please bless me. And recently, the Tiger of the Woods did make me think more than twice about marriage.

And I have a very fragile heart too. If people talk to me in high notes, it will kill me instantly. In short, I simply hate to quarrel! Yet, I don’t think in life there is perfect couple that will always agree with one another.

Above all, I don’t trust people easily. This make it hard for me to fall head over heal with someone. Afterall, falling in love and marriage are all about opening one heart. Oh! Am I such a freak? Maybe I do or a little, probably. Sigh! I just don’t know.

Am I feminist? No. I don’t believe that man is evil or woman is oppressed. We have that problem of women oppression since past centuries and thing is changing for the better.

If anyone read the history, earlier women were not allowed to vote because men of power consider that women can’t think for themselves and then not able to make correct choice. Wikipedia has it all. Beside, I don’t like the idea of feminism. I just think that human should be treating equally but the equalities of men and women are differed. But as we are progressing with the equality issues, I don’t think that will happen in the near future. Still there are many cases of inequality. If you simply ask the amount of salary Brad Pitt is getting compared to Angelina Jolie, you will get the idea. Even in the USA, the land of hope, payment of woman CEO is lesser than the man. Thus, I reserved my expectation on the equality of salary in Malaysia.

At the end I was left with a question, what sort of man that I like to be with? I don’t know. I just want someone who is kind, has compassion, empathy and full of love, to share my life with. I want to share a life, happily. Obviously, if he smells badly, I will ask him to bath in a sauna full of roses or I will gift him perfumes every now and then. Or if he still does not get it, I will just spay him with perfume every morning. Shower him with perfume, er, love, I mean.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pizza's advice

Friends do come to me to seek opinion. I will go to them to ask for opinion, or largely, people call it advice. Whatever the names is, it does not matter because at the end of the day, the person who ask is the one making the final call.

If they come to me, all I can do is to list down all the good points followed with the bad perspectives. Weighing between the two will usually give us some insight of a few possible right directions in order to take the next step. Then, role of the adviser is fin.

Nonetheless, the next step is only the first step of the whole ordeal, a baby step. There were millions steps that need to be make in order to the journey (remember, life is a journey?). We need to realize this because while making those steps, there will be stumbled blocks somewhere along it. If we make a new start every time we come upon a bad patches, then it will take hundreds years to complete the steps. This is true in some cases in life. But then again, probably we need to start afresh, let say in the case of bad spouse? Again, the first step is only a step of millions.

A strategist wannabe plus a trait of control freak instilled by my birth right make it hard for me to be detached from any sort of problems that cross my path.

The role of adviser was never finale for me after I delivered the verdict. I used to follow closely every move made by my friends after they came to see me for the advice; tiring, both body and soul but happy because I was part of their life.

BUT, now I am done doing that.

There were sorts of people who wanted advice but that was it, no attachment afterwards. I got that thrown to my face blatantly. Sigh! And there were many cases the advise be thrown back at my face with a sneer or a laughter. It felt like you were swarmed by a hot pizza on the face, which smells tasty nevertheless hot.

My advice (again?) to anybody out there who do not sincerely need any advice, keep quite. By keeping quite, you are making big help by simply not causing any grieve to other people who is willingly want to help. Or you are exhausting the neurons of them who have been thinking for you.

Thus, I have made my mind and think the best way to give away your ideas is when you are asked for it, sincerely. Ask me baby, I’ll let you know or else, I will just keep my mouth shut.

By the way, please remember to keep the hot warm pizzas for yourself if somehow you tend to criticize the advice given to you after you ask for it. It helps. *wink*

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reading is the brain's agenda

Writing is indeed interesting, and so is reading.

The whole new dimension unwraps vastly in front of me once I open-up a book to read. I am in the story, staying a step behind the main player. At time, I try to get in touch with the protagonist and give him or my two cents worth of thought before they make their next move. I can even see how they move about in a situation or how intense the crowded room.

Of course, I make it up all in my mind but I am the director of the story. The book is merely a script; nevertheless, in the health point of view, it was undeniably a major source of vitamins for the neurons of my brain.

The reading has affected me beyond my imagination that I can comprehend. Probably because reading (for me) is like a chemical inducer that can stimulates hormones, which without doubt, under the instruction of the brain; that made me agitated, in a good way. Those are reasons I enjoy the reading.

After a while, when a book that I read becomes an object of obsession, I will try to get my hand on all the published materials by the author of that book. Thus, I am now a proud owner of a collection of books from a few distinguished authors. The hunting became haunting once I can get into the mind of the writer. This is happening when I can reach ahead of the story and in doing so dried-up the rush of adrenaline. Sadly, few names had been crossed out of my reading lists.

I am glad that I’ve found Jeffrey Archer, Patricia Cornwell, Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle, amongst others.

I admit it that for me to read a book, the twists and the tales are a bigger factor more than the grammar and the sentences. I think I am too technical to have the benefit of the art of writing and the literature (though I do, to certain extend) and it is entirely my fault. I wish to correct this fault in my remaining years of life.

Nonetheless, there are a few columnists and bloggers who have a place in my reading lists. It is their ways of writing, which successfully have made me smirk or evoke a thought; let them straight into my good book.

If you noticed, the brain of mine has found a way to always stay on top. It makes sure anything which has an ability to provoke the neurons of it, such as the write-ups of these authors, is my thing. So, I have no control over my self, it is all an agenda of the brain.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Todai, Ila is coming soon!

Ila came here last October and stayed until end of November.  The main reason of her visit was to sit for an entrance exam for doctoral study of Tokyo University, the best university in Japan. She is now happily joining the clan back home and enjoying the hot tropical weather.

She just sent me an offline message, 'I've got the offer letter!'

Well, many many congratulations! (^-^)....

p/s And it seems that the previous autumn was not the last autumn for you.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Data, me and reviewers!

“I feel like I am sabotaging myself....”

“No. You are not.”

“Yes, I do sabotage myself. There are ten months left and yet I will start new experiment.”

“But, that is important. The reviewers would asked about it. Do you understand that it is important for the paper?”

“Yes, I understand. The problem is it will not going to finish in one week.”

Again and again, I have this problem with my dear Prof. He stood on his ground, wanted me to add more and more data. And if you understand, not every experiment is doable and can be finished in a short time. In my case, it will take at least a month. After that, the writing of the article, the corrections by him (it will go on and on like playing table tennis, until he said, I think this is OK) and review of the English language (by the native speaker) and finally, submitting. Next, wait for the yes, or no from the journal editor which will takes two months the least. And if yes, more added data will be asked. If no, changed the presentation (which means, rewriting) and continue the same procedures starting from the Prof approval. Ten months time are not enough to get the paper published.

I am laying low...Tsk! Tsk!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Menulis blog berbahasa Inggeris?

Kenapa saya menulis blog dalam bahasa Inggeris sedangkan bahasa Melayu saya lebih baik dan teratur. Jika kita imbas kembali hasil keputusan peperiksaan SPM (sekiranya masih ada kaitan) maka bahasa Inggeris saya sangat ketinggalan. Mungkin juga di sebabkan itu, saya hanya belajar di dalam negara selepas tamat peperiksaan SPM sedangkan ramai teman-teman dihantar ke luar negara walaupun keputusan SPM hampir sama. Namun, sehingga bila atau kenapa saya perlu hidup di dalam situasi yang selamat dan menulis menggunakan bahasa Melayu?

Menulis blog berbahasa Inggeris adalah sesuatu yang melangkau keupayaan seorang manusia yang bernama saya. Berasal dari sebuah keluarga yang tidak pernah berbicara sesama sendiri menggunakan apa sahaja bahasa asing kecuali bahasa daerah samada dialek Kedah secara am atau dialek yang lebih terpinggir, Pokok Sena, bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa luar atau bahasa penjajah. Cuma kini, dengan teknologi yang hampir kebanyakannya berteraskan bahasa Inggeris, maka sedikit sebanyak perkataan-perkataan itu menjadi mesra di telinga. Malah ibu saya juga sudah mula ber'Good night' atau 'Bye-bye' sebelum memutuskan talian telefon. Bagi saya tiada yang salah. Manusia yang mampu berbahasa selain bahasa ibunda adalah seseorang yang mampu berbicara dengan orang asing dan akan dapat menimba lebih banyak ilmu hidup. Justeru itu, kini di Jepun, saya sendirian terasa terasing kerana kurang mampu meluahkan kata-kata dengan teman-teman berbangsa Jepun kerana kekangan bahasa.

Kembali kepada persoalan pokok, kenapa menulis dalam bahasa asing? Jawapan itu sekiranya dikaji, yang tersurat dan tersirat sudah ada di dalam dua perenggan pertama. Untuk menjelaskannya, saya katakan bahawa saya ingin fasih dalam berbahasa Inggeris. Hanya dengan menulis di blog, saya mampu lakukan kesalahan dan kemudiannya membaca dan membetulkannya berulang kali. Mungkin tidak ramai yang percaya bahawa setiap teks yang panjang itu saya tulis di Microsof Word, diperbetulkan oleh software milik Bill Gates itu dan disiarkan di alam maya ini. Di dalam suatu tempoh tertentu, saya akan membaca semula dan membuat penambahanbaikan di dalam karangan tersebut. Oleh itu, saya menjadi juruedit kepada penulisan saya sendiri. Ya, cara yang murah dan mudah dan mungkin salah. Yang pasti, ia telah memberi saya banyak peluang untuk membuat salah dan menebus kesalahan walaupun tidak semua. Pastinya belajar sendiri tanpa guru mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk menyedari kesalahan itu. Sehingga kini, saya masih menunggu ulasan dari mana-mana pembaca yang sudi memberi dan menunjuk-ajar setiap kesalahan dalam penulisan saya.

Di akhir kata, saya menulis hanya untuk meluah rasa. Bahasa digunakan untuk meyampai kata. Blog ini menjadi medium percuma!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Control freak? Nayyyy....

Certainly no one knows how impossible the characters of my dear Prof are. Only a few of the lucky ones who have and had been living under his supervisions understand the conditions.
He is not a bad person but just simply impossible! Can you guess the numbers of times he walked in the room and make a quick glance at my laptop’s monitor, in a day? The answer is almost 20 times per day and during some other days, countless. Call me a control freak? I might not even at the entry level then, or at par.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gen-X is still around...

The world collectively put me as one of those that belong to the generation X. Yup! I was amongst the teenagers who saw the birth of Hotmail or even Google, and the making of young billionaires in the years of dot-coms bubble which later bursts. And that was also the time when people started to learn that marriage can be initiated by the internet.

Now, when my world is limited only into two places; home and laboratory, the internet once again comes to my rescue. Oh! How can I live without FB and YM! Sigh!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The not-so Ice Queen

Practical thinking is first-class but still when it comes to heart matter; I am not in the position to say otherwise. Yes, if it is heart, no practicality work on me, hence, I am saying nothing of sort. Sigh!

Hey! That is heart. Literally or not, you need to see heart doctor right away. Never miss a minutes because it may save your life. Never take for granted anything that comes into your possession, be it life or love.

But the again, I always admire people with practical thinking. They make outstanding strategists but may be seen as cold as the Ice Queen. However, if we throw-in enough empathy, they are actually the good lawyers.


Brain runs amok

I am writing an article at the moment, a scientific paper for journal publication. The brain section which contains the Queen Mother’s language once again has to re-organize themselves into a scientific manner. The words and sentences should be crisp, clear and direct to the point, no more beating around the bushes and above all, dry and serious. And those things made my head runs amok and thus, I am having headache for two consecutive days.
p/s Oh! How I miss reading Dina Zaman and Mary Schneider write-up at this moment. And yes, I am headless for the time being.

Friday, November 27, 2009

One of the days....

Today is Eid-Adha day. One of the celebration days where my families and friends get together, ask for forgiveness, give forgiveness, a lot of hugs, a lot of kisses, and many happy tears flow down and not without non-stop eating of special dishes. Apart from the amount of cholesterol gain for the day is equal to a week (like anybody cares about it anyway), having everyone, who are dear to your heart, on board is good for the heart. The least to say, the day is havoc but fun and it is a merry day indeed. I just wish that I can be part of them now.

I made a called to my mother just 5 minutes ago. I can hear the loud background of people chatting, talking, shouting and eating and sending their love to me through my mother. I just missed them all a lot.

If God permit, I will be among them next year. Eid-Mubarak everyone!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All the Good People

There was countless time that I told myself, ‘I am apt to make it different in my life time’. And thus I have taken the journeys, pursued the ups and the downs. There were thousands times I had stumbled upon the rocky patches, and fall into the abyss. But then again, there were thousands times I was commemorated for the conquests. Every rap was finally going fine once the deals were close successfully.

During the expeditions, I met a lot of good people. The not-so-good people were insignificant, thus, I rarely babbled about them. These good persons entered my life camouflaged in many costumes. Some of them spanked me hard but then I can see the reality. Some of them held my hand and walked me down along the narrow track. Some, let me tasted a bitter drink but it was a medicine all along. Some held me high on their shoulders so that I can see the world.

As the life has it, all the good things must end. The same goes with all the bad things. It all comes to the same conclusion, ‘The End’.

I cherish all the time that we have together. All the kind or harsh words are now music to my ears. All the memories were now packed in a folder named ‘All the Good People’. Thank you.

p/s This is a tribute to All the Good People in the world.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The hairy winter

I have a thing for winter, the good one. Winter is equal to a hero when it comes to keep the right body’s temperature of mine. Oh! Nothing extra-ordinary, it was just I am a warm person, both, personality and physically.

My body heat is always warmer than the average Jane or Joe (I would like to think so) which somehow acted on the protein at the root of my hair. Before I bored everyone to death by going into the scientific details, let me put it in a plain sentence, my hair was falling out excessively throughout summer time comparing to the winter season.

As you can deduce, under the all year summer weather of Malaysia, the same thing took place. The progressive hair thinning caused baldness at the center of my head. And having two hair whorls doesn’t help either as the open space in between them made the nakedness of the scalp prominent even from afar. Being the shortest among siblings made the ordeal worst. They would make sure that I comprehended it well; there was a location on my head that was not having enough hairs to cover the scalp and that was a bad thing because I am a girl. Both of them, the boys, would take turn pointing it out to me every time they walked passed by.

Ah! It’s genetic by the way. No. Not inherited from my father’s side. He had soft pretty black thin waving hair that I love to touch. Playing with his hair was the last thing I remembered of him before he was wheeled into the ICU. It was actually a combination of both. My mother had strong curly thick black hair that started to turn white in her late 30’s. Her hair loss started earlier, after giving birth to me until she decided to have short hair style in her late 40's. Me, I have a soft thin waving black hair, that love to fall.

Then, the magic ensued. I started to learn that I was gaining more hair than ever since the end of 2006. The hair softer than usual and I can keep it long, something I never did in Malaysia. The temperature was cold and so the skin of the scalp. Last year, when I went back to Malaysia for holiday on March, my mother noticed that more hair was growing on the spot. And then, thanks to summer and build up stress, the falling hair syndrome began once again. So now, I am eagerly waiting for this winter.

Actually, I was in-debt to a makcik who is a salon owner here for giving me ideas of maintaining  healthier hairs even without winter in the future. The girls brought me to her shop, after I pleaded them because I cannot stand seeing the falling hair all over the house anymore, to cut short my long hair. Right after getting the not so trendy Lady D's hairstyle, I asked her if she had any medicine to help my hair grows healthily. By the way, she was also commenting about my thinning hair while doing her job. She told me that because I am young, this problem probably because of the trait inherited. She had a few commercial protein remedies for hair but she would not suggest it. The best things to do for now possibly are to eat healthy food with more protein, like wakame or such and wash the hair once in couple of days, and do not overdo it. She also mentioned that probably the idea of me having a long hairstyle was not a good one; long hair that easily fall out means the protein at the root of the hair was not enough. She then suggested that I should wear a short hair cut throughout my life, which I will gladly tell my future hubby if ever he asks me to keep my hair long. He presumably doesn’t like to be served with hairy rice by his lovely baldly wife, instead of hairy crab as his lunch meal.

Here, I am blaming nothing for the loss of my hair. This is just a confession of my love for winter. Sigh!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Winter....

My dear winter, you are here again. My last winter in Japan, I guess. The temperature drop so suddendly. It is cold all over again. The bright red yellow autumn is saying goodbye with heavy non-stop raining. At the moment my brain is almost frozen that I can't write of our little adventure visiting autumn in Kyoto last weekend, koyou in Kyoto.

Will do that soon. Oh! Autumn is just sooooo beautiful.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The day I was born years ago.....

Nothing to shout about of my birthday. And today, instead of celebrating, I will be doing another mice operations the whole day, for the second consequative day. Yeah! What can I expect? I am a student anyway. (^_^)

However, the best thing about celebrating my birthday is that at this time of the year, I will again have a chance to analyze the life, my life. I have been living this life wonderfully, have a good health, best family and relatives and friends. Looking back at my past years of living, there were many stages of life which taught me the meaning of love, hardship, endurance and success. The stages of experiences did made me who I am today. Thus, now I am seeing the world from a different perspective and it may again change in the next coming years. I wish that there will be many for me to see, witness, embrace and celebrate in the coming year.

In short, I am glad for everythings. Thank God!

I love me, me, me....pls pardon my narcicissm

Monday, November 9, 2009

Horoscope of me?

I am one of the girls who love to read the horoscope. Yeah, it is unacceptable to believe in astrology (scientist?!) but anyway, I  was never one of the believers. It was just for fun because now and then, it provides me with a good remembrance about my own self. Occasionally the horoscope will go like; ‘You should not expect that everyone is looking at things the same way as you do’. And in my opinion, it is good because it jog my memory of my old me.

If people know me well, they will also know that I am technically a possessive type of person, my personal characteristic that I hate so much. Up until one point, I tried to detach my life from things or people around me because I was afraid of the consequences. But I guess ignoring the personality and wish that it will just fly away will do nothing good. I need a reminder, so that I could control the trait. That’s the reason I read the horoscope, to strike a chord. Nevertheless, it usually can be disregard if it read like something similar to the next line; ‘You will receive a certain amount of money from your close relative.’ By the way, I am quite a narcissist, please pardon me for that.

I love me, me, me, me......

Thursday, November 5, 2009

100 yen plaza - day out with Ila II

One of my favourite places if stress is too much to handle....(^_~). By the way, beside being nominated as an AJK masjid, I was elected as an AJK 100yen shop...hhmmmmm......

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Divert from the present to live in the present

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it 'The Present'." attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt.

Enjoy the seasonal luxuries that life has to offer. Forget about past and never indulge too much about future. This principle can be found in some life teachings.

Easier said than done, that is quote is all about. Sigh! Sometimes, it is hard to let the worries of the future to just go away. Not as easy as letting the waves of the sea to swept away the sands on the beaches. And then, there are some heartaches of the past that have taken places somewhere in the memories. It is all hard to erase because we are only human, full of weakness. And yet life is so beautiful and not to be abandon. At least for me, I don't want the seasons to pass without being part of it.

Me, myself as an example; once a while I will have a brush with life’s realities. By having a fragile heart (literally) it makes my life a little more difficult to handle. But then again, because I live in the present time, I need to push myself to come face to face with my own sadness, or worries or above all, my own weakness. Sometimes, I can feel like the blood is flowing out from the heart (again, literally!). At time, I can feel that the pain is so real that I wish I can have painkiller (such as pana*ol, Oh!) to take away the pain. It is hard. Really hard! So hard that I wish I can sleep trough the whole process of grieving and then wake up feeling on the top of the world.

During this time, many people will take a short-cut lane; either booze or drug. However, those will only provide temporarily relief. Once the effects have gone, the pains come back haunting. Human is so weak that they will again and again seek the alcohol and drugs for the temporarily solace. At the end, however, come the addictions and the consequences that follow will sometimes cost life long miseries. There are many blogs describing the life of ex-addicts available in the internet which become one of my sources of inspirations of not to become one.

Up until now, I always choose the pain and grief. And then try to divert myself from them. It is often does not work for the first time. Never work for me. But being persistent in changing life patterns and activities, one fine day, I always find my shelters of solace. Now, the shelters are consisted of a few things; internet, blog’s hopping, FB, music, camera, good companions, coffee, travels, cooking, shopping and the final one, eating. None of those worked for the first time but in life, people should just keep trying. And pray. After all, we're just human.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Early birthday celebrations

My birthday this year came early as I had celebrated it twice, even before 11 November. First was at Isma's and then yesterday, Shima's.

Isma's first son birthday was at then end of October. Thus, Isma and family invited almost everyone from Malaysia and Indonesia for a celebration party last Saturday. Knowing that my birthday is just around the corner, she made a cake for me aswell, a chocolate cake. I felt like a schoolgirl once again....hehehe!

Yesterday, Shima invited Ila and I for lunch. Her way to welcome Ila's visit to Tokushima. She knew Ila back then in USM, they were working in the same lab. The lunch, it was a kampung style of set which included budu, ikan bakar and gulai tempoyak with ulam-ulaman and sambal belacan. A complete set for lunch which reminded us of Restauran Cikgu of KB. The best thing was for dessert, another birthday cake for me, another chocolate cake!

I am bless with so many good hearted friends. Thanks a lot!

By the way, in the morning Ila and I went for shopping in the 100yen shopping plaza near my house that made both of us grining from ear to ear. This was the first visit for Ila and she was happy to have bought most of the souviniers.

All I can say is 100yen shop is the best place to shop in Japan because you can find almost everything in one go and that too at the lowest price. Though most of the things sold are from China, the quality is good.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Friend or foe?

To find me in a very angry mood is difficult. And for me to despise a person as a person is something extraordinary, except for a few lucky one. But then again, this few days, I had again had to get in touch with my own demon, the ‘angry Che Na’.

People always label me as ‘skema’ type of person that goes by the book, my book of principles or principles taught by my ancestors, parents, teachers and religion. Till today I stood by them. I try to minimize mistakes and be happy with whatever that I have at that moment. Beside those, I love playing the role of the 'cool girl next door’. You may find me with no aura like a celebrity or I will never throw a tantrum for the sake of it, unlike Britney or because i feel like doing it.

So, IF a situation can get me angry, it is not an ordinary state of affairs.

First, if you don’t want to be friend with me anymore, just say out loud. I don’t like to be the beggar of friendship. Example, call the friend and then, instead of talking to her, she’s not listening to you but you can hear in the background that she is watching TV. Reason, ‘I have nothing to talk to you!’ Great! I wish one day someone will say that to you right on your face.

Second, I want to be a friend. Not someone that you will only come when you need something and vanished after your wishes granted. Hey! Life has karma.

Third, someone who thinks that he knows the world. ‘No. No. You’re wrong!’ I wish that someday, someone will come and say that your experiments are all bullshit.

(I don’t like to swear in real life or in print, but I just did).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Education that should not be repeated

Life never fails to mesmerize me especially when it comes in a form of human behaviors. There are many things that human does and yet I, another human, cannot fathom the reason of the action taken. By which, this justify my addiction to Criminal Mind series. Sigh!

One of the behaviors that perplexed me is about the one who can turn off the self conscience and pretending that nothing wrong has taken place. In reality, everybody around him/ her is well aware about the wrong deeds. These puzzle me to a point that make me categorized the person as most likely the blindest (if this term does exist?) of all type of blind (which include love’s blind). And in this case I am referring not to physically blind but mentally or emotionally blind. These individuals always fall short in preserving the truth or being true to themselves.

In the past 30 years old or less, since I can remember, I've met a few of them. And each experience left me baffled even more. How such people can think only about themselves and never looked up and see their own reflection? There are some people who look outside themselves and always find others to blame for whatever bad things that happened, but never inside. Some may not look so bad physically but the mind; always tries to find faults of others which again, probably make themselves feel better.

In one incidence, a scientist who is eager to establish himself (my assumption) made a few enquiries to another colleague and later based on a few facts discussed presented in a seminar claiming that was his own work. There was another scientist who took his colleague for an easy ride by asking her to be a co-researcher and later ditch her without informing her once the grant proposal was approved. Yet, whenever these persons talked to the students or another member of the faculty, they always blame jealousy as the factor. They told the whole world that others are jealous of their work because they were making ways for their grand future.

The other person that I met was the one who love gossiping and making false accusations behind the back of their own friends. At the end of the day, she was left all alone by the community. Yet, I don’t think that she ever tried to understand the situation and learn from all the mistakes. Just change the attitude, I guess, will do good. Humble and sincere people will always prevail at the end of the day.

Probably money is everything, which gives good reason for some of the attitudes. Or is it the recognition which will come with glory by making other people life miserable? Do they ever think that at the end, we have to answer to a Greater One? I am short of reasons.

I might be at fault myself for analyzing them but I gather that I can’t always learn from my mistakes all my life. Thus, theirs are my informal education that should not be repeated.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Universal Studio Japan (USJ) revisited

Last weekend, I took Ila to Kobe and we stayed in Surini's place. Isma was also there, staying for a few nights before because she was attending a conference in Kobe. As the fate had it, we then had our unplanned long night girls chit-chat.

Next day, Ila, Su and I went to USJ. My fifth visit, by the way, after 2 years break. We had a blast of time! Some rides still managed to tug my heart out. But I did not go for Jurassic Park this time. The previous 3 times hardly made any different from the the first time. The heart jumped out each time. So, I opted that out. Beside that, USJ had special Halloween March with many coming wearing their own costumes and some stage performances in occassion with Halloween celebration. Thus, we can saw many deaths walking around and some with very impressive costumes.

Too happy to be here!

Spiderman studio is a crowd-puller.

Halloween March

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't have enough parking lot?

Land is becoming precious and there will be less and less space to park a car. Why don't we try this then?

I captured these pictures while taking Hyotajima Boat Tour. It was a cruised along the river surrounding Hyotanjima, an island-like area of central Tokushima City, that lies in between Shinmachi and Suketo Rivers. The journey started from Ryogaku Bridge at the Shinmachi Riverside Park.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mars, Venus, Pluto or Saturn?

Men are said from Mars and women are from Venus, a statement describing characters of the two Homo sapiens which stand apart. If that is so, what do we expect of people from different races or religions? I guess without doubt it should be about describing something between Pluto and Saturn or any other planets on the Solar system.

There are many weaknesses in one lifestyle compared to another and so the strength, even in a group of people. By the way, we’re humankind, not angels. We’re our own entity, regardless of races and religions.

The truth of the hoo-ha that took place in the world about races and religions is not because the ground people do not understand races or religions. It’s just that some people choose to have a narrow minded way of thinking. Personally, I don’t think labeling any bad behavior with ethnicity or with religions does prove any point. It probably only prove a point that the idea come from a close-minded type of person. If not Obama won’t have Beer summit last summer in The Great White House. Or Bush won’t be the world troublemaker of the century for going for terrorists and at the end causing the economics woe to the people of USA and later, the world. Or I would not be seeing so many CBS drama (like the three CSIs and NCIS) associating Muslims people with terrorism activities. Why blame the whole group of people for the actions of a small section from that group?

The least one can do to stop things from accelerated is agree to disagree on certain sensitive issues and Be Human once again. I believe agree to disagree is an act of maturity. It may not end the problem. Nevertheless, it is also not shutting down the door for the next line of discussions up until a point where a mutual understanding can be achieved. Shooting in the dark to justify the act is not a way to end any kind of disagreement.

As Malay, maybe many Malaysians thought it was all an easy ride for me to be here. It was not but I was lucky to have met many good people; they trust my ability and help me to reach the stars. I used to have only 10 cent in my pocket while watching my friends bought their meals for RM10. So, I knew the feeling of not having anything. However, I don’t want to screw their life. Instead, I want to have their lifestyle. Work your way up and then help others if you can. The point is I just want others to look at me beyond my race and religion, though the two are really close to me like my own heart and soul.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A day out with Ila - part I

Ila was back from Tokyo yesterday. After having Nasi Lemak with Mirza and Mira, Ila and I went for outing around Tokushima City. We went to Awa Odori Kaikan and bought ticket consisting a package of Bizan Ropeway and Awa Odori dance performance. Guest what? I had my day dancing Awa Odori at the end of the performance and was awarded a certificate as the top three. What a day?! By the way amongst the Japanese visitors, it was obvious that Ila and I were foreigners, and was asked earlier about our country by the MC when he introduced the Awa Odori dance.

The aunty next to me was the first of the top three.

He scrutinized me with questions though I told him that I was no able to converse in Japanese language. I tried best to answer him....sigh!

MC giving away the prize

Friday, October 16, 2009

Traits to be a developed nation?

Hijab stir a curiosity.

The title seems a little out of context but I wanted to make a statement that Japanese in general is very curious. They wanted to know the answer of any arising issue and will go to great length of trouble to find out the answer.

Why I am saying so? This is the observation of a foreigner who lives here in Japan (Tokushima) for the last 3 years, a Muslim lady who wears a hijab.

About the hijab, definitely none of the Japanese wears any cloth to cover their head accept for cancer patients or some old ladies who are losing a lot of hairs or in Edo period, a Ninja. Hence, it is common to hear a comment from a little boy asking her mother, “Is she a Ninja?” This question will always bring a smile to anybody nearby who can understand Japanese language. The mother will then hush-hush the little boy who appear to be shy.

The query about the hijab does not stop with only with the little boy. Any passing old ladies or men will also ask about the hijab, and definitely nothing related to the Ninja thing.

Actually, I lied. Not only old people ask the questions. Lectures or professors had asked me the question, even my adopted mother of Hiroshima.

The first question usually, ‘How do you feel wearing hijab especially during summer. Is it hot?’

Summer in Japan is hot and they are curious on how the Muslim woman is coping with the heat. Then the next question is do we open the hijab at all, as example in our house. Then, they wanted to know if we do cut our hairs because we can’t open up the hijab in public, so how about in the saloon. The next, if we can buy the cloth of the hijab in Japan and are there any specific colors permitted. If woman they will end the question saying that the brooch that we used is beautiful. The man will tend to say that he just wanted to ask because he is thinking about the hot weather of summer in Japan.

Those are the normal and standard questions. No hard feeling from me because the questions are sign of curiosity. I can understand it since I am a researcher myself.
Today, I was asked the same set of questions again during lunch time at the bicycle parking area. An uncle who appeared out of nowhere approached me just to ask the questions. Can you make it the guts that he had, coming up to a stranger and asked a question about her lifestyle? I can’t ever do that.

I guess the Japanese is very curious people and they love finding the answer straight from horse’s mouth. I can’t blame them but I salute their braveness. I just think that probably those are a few traits of people needed to build a developed country. Any ideas Malaysian?

The Festival of Lights - Happy Deepavali

Malaysia may not be the rich country but we're unique. The uniqueness that differ us from the rest in the world is the multiracial community that we live in. One of the best things to be in multi-racial society is to have many festivals to celebrate each year (which I look forward since I was a small little girl).

Today, 16th of October 2009 is the Deepavali day or Diwali. For Malaysians and everybody in the world who celebrated Deepavali, Happy Deepavali. Enjoy the Open House for me as I can't be there in person.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Open house of Mira Mirza in Japan

It was almost the end of Aidilfitri but our two Malaysians single and available young ladies of Tokushima decided to hold an 'Open House' last Monday. This was the first time they had invited almost all Malaysians living in Tokushima to their house, and that too, to taste their own home made Soto.

Ila and me started early from my apartment to Tokushima Station. Mira, one of the two was coming to the station and then we took taxi together to her house. She had to 'jemput' us at the station, the correct way to express it. The problem lies on not having the second bicycle repaired (so Ila and I can't just cycled to their house) and then not knowing of how to get there on my own by bus. Thanks Mira!

When we arrived, Mirza was still doing some chores. Both of them had been cooking since the night before. Anyhow, most of the preparations were ready and we just help to do the final touching here and there before the crowd arrived at 1 pm.

As the verdict, I can happily announced that the Open House was successful, with flying colors! The Soto was delicious and so their mango pudding, and not to forget the cheesecake. All the guests seemed to enjoy themselves eating and chatting happily with each other.

Girls, I am looking forward for your Open House again next year!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anchovies tumis nasi kerabu

The night before Ila arrived, I was busy in the kitchen, preparing and cooking nasi kerabu and sambal tumis. I planned a small lunch party to celebrate Ila and had invited Sakuraiman.blogspot owner (Emi) and family(Nuar and Iman). They picked Ila and me from the Tokushima bus station that morning. Then, Mirza and Hadi came to join us. During the previous week, both of them had been very kind to accompany me entertaining the guests from USM for one whole day.

I don't want to digress further...Back to nasi kerabu, I wanted to make it since the last few months but the thought of going to eat nasi kerabu alone made me abandon the project (sigh! so lonely, so kesian). That night after coming back from lab, I started the cooking project. I used Yani's Myresepi.com Nasi Kerabu Perantau with a little twist (because I had twisted my hand!).

Here is the story. I had a bottle of anchovies sauce in my cupboard that I had always wanted to use as a replacement for budu in tumis preparation. So, I opened up the bottle. Usually, liquid in newly opened bottle is quite difficult to come running down. Having that in my mind and acting like a pro-chef, I poured the sauce directly into the pot but I was definitely wrong in my assumption about liquidity of the sauce (being too confident is not good, girl!).

More than 3 spoons came down (as was suggested in the original recipe)! Infact it was nearly ¼ of the original volume of the sauce. Startled for a while but quick thinking, I decided to taste the tumis before making the next move. It was quite salty but then again, to start making it all over again would surely take more time. And at that moment, the wall clock was showing 11.30pm, almost midnight. I didn't want to miss my sleep because it's going to be a long day tomorrow. Using some magics ingredients (of sugar and water, sigh!) and a packet of instant coconut milk, I managed to reduce the saltiness. God! What a relief? (Really?!)

Personally, I think the anchovies sauce can't never replaced budu or even belacan. At the end, an inch of belacan was added to the tumis to get the correct taste (according to my taste buds). But no, it was not as delicious as the original nasi kerabu of Kota Bharu but enough to satisfy my desirous of nasi kerabu.
Iman with his charming smile

Nasi kerabu

The chocolate pudding was from Emi, sedap!

A small gathering with friends and Ila

Arrival of Ila

At 4.30 am, the taxi was waiting when I reached downstairs from my second floor apartment and took me straight to the Tokushima Station. Next, I hopped in the limousine bus and slept through the journey of almost 3 hours. Though the morning scenery was very picturesque, I couldn't bring myself to take the picture. I was very sleepy.

When I arrived at Kansai Airport, it was almost 8 am and Ila was there at the North Arrival Gate, chatting with a Malaysian guy. The guy was a new student coming for a Master course study and will be studying in a university somewhere in Kyoto (I couldn't get the name). Ila and I parted our way with him as we needed to take the next bus back to Tokushima at 8.35 am.

North Arrival Gate of Kansai Airport

Ila, all ready to go to Tokushima

Posing for my blog

The limousine bus stand outside the building

"SMSing families and friends, just to let them know that I am fine"

Friday, October 9, 2009

My cousin is coming...

Ila is coming and will reach Tokushima tomorrow morning. The bus ticket or kippu on Japanese for Kansai Airport had been bought and I will take 5.05 morning bus to meet her at the airport. Above all I am happy to have her here.

By the way, she will take the entrance exam on 14th and 15th and will stay at Dr Widya apartment in Tokyo. Hopefully everything will fell into places as plan and she will be able to successfully enter the university for PhD course next Spring. I know that her father (my beloved uncle) is not very keen to let her pursuing her higher degree study outside of Malaysia. He, as everybody in our big family know, is very attached to his children and that's the main reason he is not happy for her choice of university. However, I pray that he will be given a strong heart to part with his daughter for only 4 years. I can understand his point of view but I guess, Ila should go wherever she deserved.

Go Ila Go!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thank God for the little things that go un-noticed

We should appreciate life.

In saying so I just wish that many Malaysian will thank God that we are born in Malaysia. The life might not as good as in Japan or USA. Money may not be as much as the two countries have. Our politics probably not as mature as other countries. Safety level in term of crimes is nowhere near Japan. We, Malaysian, may short of many good things in life. Nevertheless, we should thank God.

I have been here not long, just past 3 years and yet I have experiences countless typhoons (the recent one, Typhoon Melor, yesterday) and small earth tremors. Every 3 months, I have to adjust my life according to the weathers, be it autumn, winter, summer and spring. Clothes change every time. Food changes just the same, so the diseases such as flu or allergies.

Malaysia, to say the least, have never experienced earthquake like the one Indonesia or Japan did. Not even the typhoon like Myanmar had. And the weather permits us to wear the same clothing throughout the year. We are very lucky in that sense. Let's work together as Malaysians to make things better from the one that we have now. We can make Malaysia another heaven on earth, beside Suzhou and Hangzhou of China.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Utopia world

It was quite sometimes that I wrote about anything of Utopia land. Lately, I joined a group of players in IRC chat forum. Most of them are Aussies, few from Malaysia, a lady from Singapore and some hailed from New Zealand.

They are a nice bunch of people who tried to make themselves look like a nasty type of people, but the truth is they are nice. Some of them are married with kids and in real life are very responsible people who love their family so much. It is just that in the game they tries hard to lure another kingdom for war by being bad and saying bad things. Back in the IRC chat room with the members, they are helpful and try hard not to step on each other toes.

This is one of the activity that I love doing which get me out of the real world.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Walking in the rain

Off course I used the umbrella. It was just that I thought of the romanticism factor walking under the umbrella in the rain in Japan.

The rain drops on the the umbrella, tick-tack tick-tack. Alone but not lonely. Strolling along next to the busy street but no sound beside the tick tack. People with the umbrellas bustling away like moving mushrooms. People with bicycle stop here and there to give way. The mind wondering. The water made it all look fresh. Even the ground smell fresh. And I feel alive again, like having a first shower.

By the way, it was autumn here. My last autumn in Japan. Indeed I am going to make it the best autumn. Smell the fresh air and love the life. Stop, look around, listen to the bird singing a happy tunes and then start walking again. (^_^)

Monday, October 5, 2009

The way to be....

I must admit that the previous post was written in the midst of unsettled mindset of mine. It was something that come straight from heart that was full with anger. Nevertheless, it did not represent me as a whole. Only a bit of uncontrolled emotion which came out unfashionably.

The last few days three of VIPs from USM came and visit Tokushima University. I had a chance to meet and talk face to face with the Deputy Vice Chancellor of USM, Prof Shukri. Personally, I think he is a good man and a good academician as well as a good administrator. He made everyone who come into contact with him fall under his spell of charm and sweet talk. He showed the ability to be a good diplomat with a broad understanding of humankind. Being an academician, he posses a skill of making people understand his point of view without being out of touch of the reality. At time, I can saw that he was tired of the endless activities prepared for the three of them, but not once he lost the coolness.

Having him here together with the other two VIPs was a great pleasure. It was like to be able to stand high with the Japanese academicians. I am proud to be part of USM because he is one of them.

My teacher once told me that the best way to study is to listen, to see and to then to practice.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Amarah di majlis hari raya

Seharusnya diplomasi menjadi tunggak hidup apabila kita hidup di kalangan masyarakat berbilang kaum atau dari pelbagai negara. Lidah seharusnya menjadi lebih lembut atau sepatutnya ditapis setiap perkataan yang lancar keluar dari mulut yang mulus. Kesilapan sedikit pasti akan dapat mengundang pelbagai rasa. Pepatah melayu yang berbunyi, 'Terlajak perahu boleh di undur, terlajak kata badan binasa' atau 'Kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga', kedua-duanya memberi amaran akan buruk baik setiap perbuatan atau perkataan perlu ditimbang dengan penuh ketepatan.

OrangA: Chena, saya mau undang Chena ke majlis Hari Raya di rumah saya.
Chena: Baiklah, saya akan datang.

Senario2 - Rumah OrangA dipenuhi teman-teman senegaranya. Sementara menanti teman-teman yang lain, mereka membuka bicara. Suami OrangA membuka tajuk bualan.
Suami OrangA: Kenapa tidak dipakai baju batik?
Teman1: Ngak ada mas, di sini.
Suami OrangA: Batik kita kan sudah mendapat pengikhtirafan Unesco.
Teman2: Iya mas.
Suami OrangA: Kita sudah berjaya....hahaha!
Chena yang mendengar sedari tadi hanya terdiam. Dalam diam dia mengundur diri dari rumah OrangA. Hatinya terusik dengan ucapan-ucapan yang kini kedengaran makin jauh. Majlis raya yang seharusnya di sambut meriah dan penuh kesatuan itu kini hanya menjadi majlis yang penuh kemarahan Chena. Dia berazam tidak akan ke rumah OrangA lagi.

Setiap manusia punya hati dan tahap kesabaran. Dikalangan 15 orang tetamu tadi, Chena hanyalah seorang tetamu dari negara tetangga. Dia sudah berteman selama 2 tahun dan saling menghormati. Namun ketelanjuran menghormati tetamu adalah sesuatu yang Chena tidak dapat terima.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Earthquake - Sumatra

Japan and Indonesia are a couple of countries that often had earthquake. Since my stayed in Japan, I had experiencing some small tremors. The last one was during previous Ramadan. It happened in the night almost 11pm while I was alone the laboratory preparing PowerPoint presentation for Niigata's conference. The shake was quite obvious that I did stop the work and look around, worrying that it might become bad. Thank God that it last only after 30 second or less.

However, it was never the same with the quake that took place in Sumatra the last couple days. Yes, I did felt a little belittle with 'Sapu Malaysia' campaign carried out by a few Indonesians. Though it do not involve me directly but then again, I am Malaysian. Being a Malaysian make me proud and having heard people talking bad about Malaysia will definitely leave some impact somewhere on me. Called me whatever you want, but I think that is my way of showing patriotism.

Nevertheless, life is more meaningful then hatred. Life is more powerful then the agendas of a corrupt mind. Looking at the pictures of Padang after the quake touched my heart. The teary eyes of a mother with a child on her back talk louder then a burned flag. The picture had managed to tug my heart and I cried for her. I pray that all of them will be safe. I pray that they will have enough foods, drinks and medicine. Let it be no more death of a family member to anybody. Pain of losing a house is nothing compared to the loss of a soul, let alone a dear one.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Truth behind news- a thought?

It is not my usual stuff to think about economy. For a person who does not even think about her monthly budget and never thought about the next source of income rather then the one that she has, this is obviously not worth a reading. Nevertheless, I really care about Malaysia’s strategy of embracing the ever changing pattern of world economy. In layman term, I am worried if Malaysia is still live in denial. By denial, I am saying that we, Malaysia are not as good as the newspaper make us to believe that we are. And by doing so, the media is only saving face of some politicians but in a long run, it is the people who will suffer.

Media plays a role in educating people. I read newspaper everyday since I was studying in primary school. Reading newspaper developed my mind and thinking in a way that teaches me not to believe everything that was thrown at you. Being suspicious of every information make me curious of the reality behind every news. Don't get me wrong, it was the newspaper man himself who let the cat out of the bag.

It was early 90’s; one of the important mainstream newspaper's men who was then retired (and since had went to met his Maker) gave an account of his early days as a journalist. On one occasion, he said that he was asked to increase numbers of participants coming for a political gathering from 5 000 to 50 000. This information stayed in my memory up until now.

Again, I am not against any politician. I believe that I have come to term that we can agree not to agree. Politics in Malaysia at this moment is not at the virtue of helping people but more towards personal achievement. If not I will not read in the newspaper (again?) that some of our actors with no education background (but with strong political background) talking about entering politics. As if their family connection is a big ticket, then nothing can stop anyone becoming a Perdana Menteri in Malaysia. And we will all should pray hard that God will really help the people and save Malaysia.